Public Notice

SQUABBLES Under New Ownership

The organization has continued to thrive under the management team that took over on October 4th, 2023. Jeff Veley became Executive Director in October 2023, providing strong leadership during this transition. He assumed ownership of the SQUABBLES® Institute on April 8, 2024, and remains at the helm.

Jeff has been involved since the start of SQUABBLES® as a co-author and the founder/author of the Schoolwide Implementation Program. He specializes in organizational leadership and brings over 15 years of program development experience.

These changes have been made to strengthen SQUABBLES' organizational leadership and allow additional growth for the brand, moving forward. Additionally, you can expect improvements to our resource library, more comprehensive programming for schools, new solutions for private practitioners, and additional training events. All of this allows us to have a greater global impact. Recent upgrades to our learning management system have made it possible to drastically decrease support times for customers and offer a better user experience, on the platform.

Please note that previous quotes, invoices, tax forms, and certain product licenses are no longer valid. Please contact us to update your account.

Please update your records to:
PO Box 1852
Henderson, TX 75653

For sales, support, and billing, please contact [email protected].